If so, we have a special offer for Education Connect Membership
If so, we have a special offer for Education Connect Membership

Education Connect
£50 per year *
Our single-tier paid membership.
You’ll have access to:
All webinars and modules
Interactive Learning Platform
Dedicated Facebook group
10% Discount on selected CPD
10% Shop Discount **

Free membership
Our FREE membership tier.
You’ll have to access to:
Q&A Forum
Home Exercise Booklets
* Eligibility requirements apply; applicants for our paid memberships are required to have completed at least of one of our courses; PSI/OEP/CBE/EfS.
** Shop discount excludes calendars, 7 days of moving prompts, bundles and sale items.
In addition to exclusive 2024 Programme of Learning (available on catchup), PLUS the upcoming 2025 content outlined above, members can enjoy 10% off selected Later Life Training CPD events and 10% off items in the LLT Shop.
You’ll also have access to the following content through our elearning portal:
Access to our Interactive Learning Suite.
Exclusive to Education Connect, the learning suite allows you to take part in live interactive sessions with the LLT team and invited experts in their field.
ALL Webinars:
- Vision and Falls
- Physical Activity and Healthy Ageing
- Return on Investment
- What is deconditioning and how has Covid-19 made it worse?
- How has LLT contributed to improved practice in falls prevention in the UK and elsewhere?
- What are the pitalls of delivering falls programmes without with fidelity and what does it mean to outcomes?
- Frailty and Falls
- Disruptive Leadership
- Effective Exercise Training in Those Who are Frail or High Risk of Falls
ALL Modules:
- Depression
- Physical Activity and Physical Fitness Modules
ALL Interactive Platform recordings: (new content added monthly)
- Pre-exercise Assessment Discussion
- Virtual Delivery of FaME – ‘where have all the phases gone?!
- Home Alone Guidance
- OEP & FaME, critical differences and similarities
- FaME Circuit Design
- Review of the Sit Tall, Stand Strong Exercises
- Venue/Session Risk Assessment Review
- OEP Exercise Selection and Rationale
- Virtual Delivery Guidance
- Referral Forms Discussion
- Functional Grid (with FRAT)
- Intro to circuit formats
- All about the base
- Value added teaching – challenging thinking
Access to our dedicated Members Only Facebook Group, including over 4 hours of catchup content on the portal. Topics include:
- Fartlek Focus
- Effectiveness – 10 things to increase effectiveness (not the only 10 of course!)
- Adapted Tai Chi Chat
- Otago Refresher
- Participant Introduction to exercise – Skilling up
- Chair Rise Test
- Functional Grid – what we don’t know if we don’t use it
- Getting down to the floor
- 10 things, small but big impact
This is our free membership tier, open to anyone with an interest in Later Life Training.
Q&A Forum:
You’ll have access to a Q&A Forum on our e-learning portal.
Home Exercise Booklets:
You’ll receive access to all of our Home Exercise Booklets on our e-learning portal.