Public Health England, in Jan 2017, published their Falls and Fractures Consensus Statement and confirmed that FaME sessions delivered by PSIs were cost-effective (PHE 2017). More recently, Gateshead Older People’s Assembly had independent research done on their return on investment (GOPA, 2017).

Gateshead Older People’s Assembly Report
“Gateshead Older People’s Assembly is a unique community-based organisation working with and for older people to help them take control of their lives, enjoy a better quality of life and contribute to their communities. The Assembly organises activities to interest and engage older volunteers and beneficiaries across Gateshead, and provides a good variety of exercise, healthy eating and social opportunities for diverse groups of older people.”
Their ‘Staying Steady’ exercise classes are delivered by PSIs based on the FaME programme, for 20 weeks. 160 older people took part in these classes over a two year period, at a cost of £19,146 (approx. £120 per head).
The saving in terms of overall primary and secondary care expenditure that would otherwise have been spent without this investment was calculated at £968,736. The return that is achieved for every £1 of public health money spent is £50.59.
You can view their report here. And they have filmed some participants, so view their powerful stories of confidence and ability improvement here.