FaME used as evidence of reach and impact in 4 different HEI Impact Case studies (REF2021)

FaME as an intervention to reduce falls has been used an exemplar of impact by four separate universities in their REF2021 Impact Case Studies. HEIs were required to submit impact case studies that demonstrate the impacts their research has had beyond academia. The number of impact case studies each submitting unit was required to submit…

NEW Cochrane Review: EXERCISE and FALLS PREVENTION (2019)

Its been eagerly awaited! And its here! To view the full document and download from the Cochrane Library. It confirms Sherringtons 2017 review, balance, functional and strength structured exercise programmes reduce both falls rate and number of fallers. Tai Chi may reduces both (evidence slightly less robust). Importantly it still states there is not enough…

Poster-Functional Fitness MOT for Older Adults: A Feasibility Study (2018)

Presented at NHS Lothian Research Conference for Nurses, Midwives, Allied Health Professions, Pharmacists, Psychologists and Healthcare Scientists (NMAHPPS) in conjunction with its academic partners at Queen Margaret University, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh Napier University and Stirling University.  Held on 16th March 2018 at Chancellor’s Building, Little France in Edinburgh. View the poster here.

Publication – Feasibility of running the FFMOT in Physiotherapy Outpatient settings (Sept 2018)

Working with colleagues in NHS Lothian and Glasgow Caledonian University, LLT looked at the feasibility of delivering the FFMOT to change activity behaviour in older patients attending musculoskeletal outpatient clinics. This mixed-method study aimed to understand the views and perceptions of both patients and staff. Most participants felt they had learned about their abilities and…

Dawn Skelton (LLT Director) receives 2017 British Geriatric Society Lifetime Achievement Award

Professor Dawn Skelton, Director of LLT and Professor of Ageing and Health at Glasgow Caledonian University, was awarded the 2017 British Geriatrics Society (BGS) Marjory Warren Lifetime Achievement Award at the BGS Annual Conference in London on the 22nd November 2017, its 70th Anniversary year. She received this award for her research and her work…

FaME (PSI) reduces falls even in low risk older adults (but not OEP) – Gawler et al. 2016

Sheena Gawler has published the results on falls reduction in a low risk population of older adults after a 6 month PSI intervention and a 6 month OEP intervention. Conclusions: Community-dwelling older adults who joined an exercise intervention (FaME) aimed at increasing MVPA did not fall more during the intervention period, fell less and had…