Exercise-based Stroke Rehabilitation service – EfS Instructor Led

The Stroke Association have initiated a new ‘Exercise-based Stroke Rehabilitation service‘ where it signposts stroke survivors to evidence based exercise options. Clients must be referred by a health professional, such as their physiotherapist, GP, stroke specialist nurse or occupational therapist. The service provides a 12 week programme of exercise and education sessions for stroke survivors, to…

Parkinson’s Disease and Exercise Resources

  The following resources are available on the Parkinson’s Disease Society Website Drug treatments for Parkinson’s booklet This booklet is for people with Parkinson’s and their families. It gives information about the drugs most commonly used to help manage the condition. It starts with some practical points about taking Parkinson’s drugs and moves on to…

New older adults physical activity evidence briefing launched

The British Heart Foundation National Centre for Physical Activity and Health have launched a freely downloadable physical activity evidence briefing. This briefing, written by our very own Bob Laventure, highlights useful information regarding the new physical activity guidelines for older people launched by the four nationals Chief Medical Officers last year. This evidence briefing is…

Exercise to Improve Balance – Cochrane Review updated

Dawn Skelton was involved in a lengthy new Cochrane review update on Exercise to Improve Balance in older people last year. The new update includes 94 research trials and gives useful information for practitioners out there wanting to concentrate on balance improvements (as opposed to falls reduction) in older people. You can read the full…